Board of County Commissioners and the Policy Development Process
As provided in the Leon County Home Rule Charter, Leon County operates under a “Commission-Administrator” form of government. The legislative responsibilities and powers of the County are assigned to the Board of County Commissioners, which establishes the policies of the County by adopting ordinances, resolutions, orders and regulations. The Board of County Commissioners appoints the County Administrator, who implements and enforces the policies adopted by the Board, the provisions of the County’s Home Rule Charter and all applicable general laws. The County Administrator manages and supervises all County departments and offices.

(From left) District 1 Commissioner Bill Proctor, District 5 Commissioner David T. O’Keefe, At-Large Commissioner Carolyn D. Cummings (Vice Chairman), At-Large Commissioner Nick Maddox (Chairman), District 4 Commissioner Brian Welch, District 3 Commissioner Rick Minor, and District 2 Commissioner Christian Caban.
Leon County's policy development process begins with the adoption of a five-year Strategic Plan by the Board of County Commissioners. The Strategic Plan establishes the vision and mission of the County organization, as well as a set of strategic priorities and specific strategic initiatives intended to help achieve the vision established by the Board. Each year the County updates its Strategic Plan as we continue to evolve, engage and execute our strategy. Our culture of performance has made Leon County known nationwide and here at home as a county government of innovative problem solvers working on behalf of and alongside our citizens in addressing the needs of the day and shaping our future.
Under the guidance provided by the Strategic Plan, Leon County works closely with local, regional, state and federal partners to ensure the long-term protection of our natural resources. The County's professional staff works year-round to monitor the health of our waterbodies; implements local, regional, state and federal regulations; informs and provides resources to the public and more. In addition, the County works closely with citizen-led advisory committees to research, discuss and make policy recommendations on water policy issues affecting our community. Also, the County coordinates with the Florida Association of Counties and the National Association of Counties to stay informed about and advocate on a variety of state and federal legislative issues affecting county governments, including water quality and water quantity issues.