Health Advisories
Boil Water Notices
In the event of a drinking system malfunction or a natural disaster such as flooding, a boil water notice may be issued by the Florida Department of Health. Residents can find boil water notice information through the Florida Department of Health's website. The department compiles boil water information from multiple sources, including press reports, utility data and information from local authorities. Residents can also access resources and guidelines on boil water notices. For more information, contact the Florida Department of Health-Water Programs at (850) 245-4240 or
Fish Advisories
Some health experts consider fish an important part of a healthy diet.

Rich in vitamins and low in fat, fish contains protein we need for strong bodies. It is also an excellent source of nutrition for proper growth and development. In fact, the American Heart Association recommends that you eat two meals of fish or seafood every week.
Most Florida fish have low to medium levels of mercury. Depending on the age of the fish, the type of fish, and the condition of the water the fish lives in, the levels of mercury found in fish are different.
Mercury is a toxic metal that can damage the brains of children causing learning and memory problems. Mercury can be natural in the environment or may occur due to pollution from electronic power plant, mining, and other industrial sources.
Another industrial toxin found in fish, PCBs, is suspected to suppress the immune system.
To lower the risk of harm from mercury (or other contaminants) found in fish caught in Florida, the Florida Department of Health has developed a set of guidelines based on tests of various freshwater waterbodies to allow people to determine the amount of fish to eat or avoid. For more information regarding fish advisories please visit the FDOH’s Fish Consumption Advisories webpage.