Continuous Investments in Lake Munson Basin Totaling $290 Million
Over the years, more than $247 million has been spent on 21 capital improvement projects to provide water quality treatment, reduce sediment transport, and collect trash. These include the restoration of Lake Munson, the construction of Lake Henrietta stormwater management facility serving as a filter for Lake Munson, the Gum Swamp Restoration, and the construction of various stormwater facilities.
In addition, there are seven ongoing projects, totaling over $42.5 million, aimed at further enhancing the water quality. These include the Advanced Septic Tank Pilot Project, the Comprehensive Wastewater Treatment Facilities Plan, and the Northeast Lake Munson Septic to Sewer Conversion Project.
In total, the County and its partners have invested more than $290 million in the Lake Munson Basin to improve the Lake's water quality and protect our natural environment.
The County has also implemented 12 Best Management Practices (BMPs) to protect and preserve the water quality. These include wetland preservation, regulations to minimize clearing around lakes, regulations on fertilizer use before storm events, and the prohibition of illicit discharges.
Looking ahead, Leon County plans to continue its efforts with nine future management strategies, projects, and BMPs. These include recurring lake drawdowns, water quality sampling, aerial topographic surveys, and investments in upstream improvements.